Office of the President of the Municipality
Chief of Cabinet: Emir Kuč
Maršala Tita bb, 84 310 Rožaje
Phone: +382 (0) 51/270-430; mob: 068/633-337
e-mail: [email protected]
The Office of the President performs professional tasks:
- creates the Work Program; preparation of the Rules of Procedure; participates in the drafting of regulations that determine the organization and way of working of administrative bodies; processes decisions, conclusions and other acts passed by the President; monitors the implementation of the President's conclusions and prepares a report on the implementation of those conclusions;
- prepares the meetings of the President and takes care of the implementation of the conclusions from those meetings;
- participates in the development of guidelines for the realization of the development plans and programs of the Municipality and participates in the development of the Work Program of the SO;
- prepares the President's report on his work and performance of local self-government functions based on the reports of local government bodies and public services;
- participates in the drafting of the contract on the implementation of the agreement concluded by the SO and the Government of Montenegro;
- after obtaining a statement from the competent administrative body, prepares an opinion on the proposal of decisions and other acts submitted to the Assembly by other proponents;
- provides materials and, through the public relations office, organizes cooperation with journalists in connection with informing the public about the work of the Local Administration;
- performs tasks related to cooperation with the Parliament and Government of Montenegro, municipalities and cities in the country and abroad;
- performs tasks related to international cooperation;
- performs protocol tasks for the needs of the President,
- in cooperation with the Assembly Service, organizes the celebration of the Municipal Holiday "September 30";
- acts on petitions and complaints of citizens addressed to the President; determines the facts about the merits of petitions and complaints and prepares answers to them; acts on the petitions sent by state authorities to the President for the purpose of establishing the facts, i.e. solving the issues that are the subject of those petitions and complaints;
- performs professional and administrative-technical tasks for the President and expert working bodies that train the President for tasks from their scope of work;
- keeps the originals of all acts passed by the President;
- performs tasks related to free access to information within its scope, which are determined by the Law on Free Access to Information;
- performs other tasks determined by the President.