Category: Public Call for NGOs 2022/2026

Poziv NVO za prijavljivanje za učešće na 8. redovnu sjednicu SO Rožaje

Na osnovu člana 153  Poslovnika o radu Skupštine opštine Rožaje (,,Sl. list CG – Opštinski propisi” br. 38/18 i 16/21), objavljuje se P o z i vnevladinim organizacijama za prijavljivanje učešća na VIII (osmu)redovnu sjednicu Skupštine opštine Rožaje Pozivaju se nevladine organizacije sa sjedištem u Rožajama, da podnesu prijave za učešće u radu VIII redovne sjednice Skupštine opštine Rožaje, koja je zakazana za 13.09.2023.godine, (srijeda) sa početkom...

Call for NGOs to register for participation in the fifth regular session

Based on Article 153 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations" no. 38/18 and 16/21), an invitation to non-governmental organizations to register for participation in the 5th (fifth) regular session of the Municipal Assembly is published Rožaje Non-governmental organizations based in Rožaje are invited to submit applications for participation in the fifth regular session of the Rožaje Municipal Assembly, which is scheduled for March 2, 2023, (Thursday) starting at 11:00 a.m., in the small hall of the JU Center for kultruru (reading room of the National Library). The provisions of Article 150 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaj Municipality Assembly provide that a representative of a non-governmental organization can participate in the work of the Assembly session (the so-called "free chair" institute) if the non-governmental organization meets the following conditions: - it has been registered for at least one year; - to have its seat on the territory of the municipality; –...