Category: Decisions on choosing the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za izgradnju fiskulturne sale i aneksa školske zgrade u MZ “Bać” (II faza)

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the construction of the gymnasium and the annex of the school building in the "Bać" Municipal Municipality (Phase II)

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the construction of the gymnasium and the annex of the school building in MZ "Bać" (II phase) Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za radove na adaptaciji OŠ Bratstvo jedinstvo, područna škola u MZ Kalače

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for works on the adaptation of Bratstvo Jedinstvo Primary School, district school in Kalače Municipality

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for works on the renovation of Elementary School Bratstvo jedinstvo, regional school in the Municipal Municipality of Kalače Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer