Category: Decisions on choosing the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za usluge tehničkog projektovanja

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for technical design services

Here you can see the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer of technical design services for the construction of: GP for the school playground in the "Biševo" Municipal Municipality, GP for the school playground in the "Bokovica" Municipal Municipality...

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za usluge tehničkog projektovanja za izradu: GP za školsko igralište u MZ “Biševo”, GP za školsko igralište u MZ “Bukovica” i GP za školsko igralište u MZ “Seošnica”

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for technical design services for the construction of: GP for the school playground in the "Biševo" municipality, GP for the school playground in the "Bukovica" municipality and GP for the school playground in the "Seošnica" municipality

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for technical design services for the construction of: GP for the school playground in MZ "Biševo", GP for the school playground in...

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za ustupanje radova na izgradnji ulice „Jukov potok“ I faza

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the assignment of works on the construction of the street "Jukov potok" Phase I

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the assignment of works on the construction of the street "Jukov potok" Phase I Decision on the selection of the most favorable... eTender Portal - UJN...