Category: Decisions on choosing the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za usluge održavanja javne rasvete na teritoriji opštine Rožaje za 12 mjeseci

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for public lighting maintenance services in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje for 12 months

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for public lighting maintenance services in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje for 12 months. The Decision on the selection of the most favorable... eTender Portal -...

Odluka o obustavljanju postupka javne nabavke za zimsko održavanje – čišćenje lokalnih i nekategorisanih puteva na teritoriji opštine Rožaje

Decision on suspending the public procurement procedure for winter maintenance - cleaning of local and uncategorized roads in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje

Here you can view the Decision on suspension of the public procurement procedure for winter maintenance - cleaning of local and uncategorized roads on the territory of the municipality of Rožaje Decision on suspension of p...eTender...