Category: Decisions on choosing the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za zimsko održavanje – čišćenje lokalnih i nekategorisanih puteva na teritoriji opštine Rožaje

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for winter maintenance - cleaning of local and uncategorized roads in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for winter maintenance - cleaning of local and uncategorized roads in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje Decision on the selection of the most favorable...eTender Portal...

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za kancelariski i potrošni materijal za potrebe organa Lokalne uprave za 12 mjeseci

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for office and consumables for the needs of Local Government bodies for 12 months

Here you can see the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for office and consumables for the needs of local government bodies for 12 months Decision on the selection of the most favorable...eTender Portal...

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije broj 1441-6/12 Radovi na izgradnji I faze “Dnevnog centra za djecu sa posebnim potrebama” u Rožajama.

Decision on the selection of the most favorable number 1441-6/12 Works on the construction of the first phase of the "Day Center for Children with Special Needs" in Rožaje.

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable number 1441-6/12 Works on the construction of the first phase of the "Day Center for Children with Special Needs" in Rožaje. Selection decision-