Category: Decisions on choosing the most favorable offer

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za usluge tehničkog projektovanja u niskogradnji za izradu Glavnog projekta ulice “Carine” u Rožajama,prema projektnom Zadatku

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for technical design services in civil engineering for the development of the Main Project of "Carine" Street in Rožaje, according to the Project Task

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for technical design services in civil engineering for the development of the Main Project of "Carine" Street in Rožaje, according to the Project Task Decision on Selection

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za održavanje javne rasvete na teritoriji Opštine Rožajeza 12 mjeseci.

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the maintenance of public lighting in the territory of the Municipality of Rožajeza for 12 months.

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the maintenance of public lighting in the territory of the Municipality of Rožajeza 12 months Decision on the selection

Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude za nabavku roba-gorivo za potrebe lokalne samouprave Opštine Rožaje za 12 mjeseci

Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the procurement of goods and fuel for the needs of the local self-government of the Municipality of Rožaje for 12 months

Here you can view the Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer for the procurement of goods and fuel for the needs of the local self-government of the Municipality of Rožaje for 12 months Decision on the selection of the most favorable offer