Category: Invitation to the public procurement procedure

Poziv broj: 255/1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za usluge izrade Glavnog projekta ulice “Carine” u naselju Carine u Rožajama, prema projektnom Zadatku

Invitation number: 255/1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main Project of "Carine" Street in the Carine settlement in Rožaje, according to the Project Task

Here you can view the Invitation number: 255/1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main Project of "Carine" street in the Carine settlement in Rožaje, according to the Project Task Invitation...

Poziv broj: 239/1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za održavanje javne rasvete na teritoriji opštine Rožaje za 12 mjeseci

Invitation number: 239/1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the maintenance of public lighting in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje for 12 months

Here you can see Invitation number: 239/1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the maintenance of public lighting in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje for 12 months Invitation for public procurement _...

Poziv broj: 290-1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za nabavka roba -gorivo za potrebe organa lokalne samouprave Opštine Rožaje za 12 mjeseci

Invitation number: 290-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the procurement of goods - fuel for the needs of the local self-government bodies of the Municipality of Rožaje for 12 months

Here you can see Invitation number: 290-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the procurement of goods - fuel for the needs of local self-government bodies of the Municipality of Rožaje for 12 months Invitation for...

Poziv broj: 254-1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za izradu Glavnog projekta za zgradu dnevnog centra za djecu sa posebnim potrebama

Call number: 254-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main Project for the building of a day care center for children with special needs

Here you can see Invitation number: 254-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main project for the building of a day center for children with special needs Invitation for public...