Category: Invitation to the public procurement procedure

Zahtjev za dostavljanje ponuda šopingom broj 2382-1/12 za usluge  zimskog održavanja lokalnih i ne kategorisanih puteva na teritoriji opštine Rožaje

Request for submission of offers by shopping number 2382-1/12 for winter maintenance services of local and uncategorized roads in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje

Here you can view Request for submission of bids by shopping number 2382-1/12 for winter maintenance services of local and uncategorized roads in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje. According to the program...

Zahtjev za dostavljanje ponuda šopingom broj 1801-1/12 za dostavu poreskih rješenja -Uprava lokalnih javnih prihoda i drugih akata po potrebi za službe i organa Opštine Rožaje za 12 mjeseci.

Request for the submission of offers by shopping number 1801-1/12 for the delivery of tax rulings - Administration of local public revenues and other acts as necessary for the services and authorities of the Municipality of Rožaje for 12 months.

Here you can view the Request for the submission of offers by shopping number 1801-1/12 for the submission of tax solutions - Administration of local public revenues and other acts as necessary for services and...

Zahtjev za dostavljanje ponuda šopingom broj 1452-1/12 za sanaciju i rekonstrukciju  (nasipanje) oštećenih lokalnih putnih pravaca na teritoriji Opštine Rožaje

Request for submission of bids by shopping no. 1452-1/12 for rehabilitation and reconstruction (filling) of damaged local roads in the territory of the Municipality of Rožaje

Here you can view the Request for submission of offers by shopping, number 1452-1/12, for the rehabilitation and reconstruction (filling) of damaged local roads in the territory of the Municipality of Rožaje. In everything...