Category: Invitation to the public procurement procedure

Poziv broj: 1339-1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke Radovi na izgradnji košarkaškog igrališta u MZ “Besnik” u Rožajama

Call number: 1339-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure Works on the construction of a basketball court in the "Besnik" municipal community in Rožajje

Here you can see Invitation number: 1339-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure Works on the construction of a basketball court in the "Besnik" municipality in Rožaje Invitation for public procurement.

Poziv broj: 1298-1/12 za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke Radovi na izgradnji prilazne saobraćajnice i uređenju terena okolo zgrade “Solidarnosti” u Rožajama

Call number: 1298-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure Works on the construction of the access road and landscaping around the "Solidarity" building in Rožaje

Here you can view Invitation number: 1298-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure Works on the construction of the access road and landscaping around the "Solidarity" building in Rožaje. Invitation to...

Poziv  broj: 1133-1/12 za otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za ustupanje radova za asfaltiranje lokalnih puteva u MZ “Kalače” i MZ “Biševo

Call number: 1133-1/12 for the open public procurement procedure for the assignment of asphalting works for local roads in the Municipalities of Kalače and Biševo

Here you can view Invitation No. 1133-1/12 for the open public procurement procedure for the assignment of asphalting works for local roads on the territory of the municipality of Rožaje in the MZ "Kalače"...