Category: Invitation to the public procurement procedure

Poziv broj 949-1/12 za dostavljanje ponuda sopingom za izradu glavnog projekta uređenja rijeke “Ibar”

Invitation No. 949-1/12 for the submission of offers by sopping for the development of the main project for the improvement of the river "Ibar"

Here you can view the Invitation No. 949-1/12 for the submission of bids by bidding for the development of the main project for the improvement of the river "Ibar" according to the Project Terms of Reference Invitation

Poziv broj: 475-1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke ustupanje izvođenja radova na izgradnji košarkaškog igrališta kod osnovne škole u MZ “Kalače”u Rožajama

Call number: 475-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the assignment of works on the construction of a basketball court near the elementary school in the Municipal Municipality "Kalače" in Rožajje

Here you can see Invitation number: 475-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the assignment of the construction of the basketball court near the primary school in the Municipal Health Center "Kalače" in Rožaje in all...

Poziv broj: 399-1/12  za Otvoreni postupak javne nabavke za izradu Glavnog projekta parking prostora iza zgrade MUP-a u Rožajama

Invitation number: 399-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main project of the parking space behind the Ministry of Interior building in Rožaje

Here you can see Invitation number: 399-1/12 for the Open public procurement procedure for the development of the Main project of the parking space behind the building of the MUP in Rožaje, 74232000-4-technical design services, in accordance with...