Category: Receptions, visits, meetings

The President of the Rožaje Municipal Council, Almir Avdić, with his colleagues on an official visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro

The President of the Rožaje Municipal Assembly, Mr. AlmirAvdić, with the Secretary of the Municipal Assembly, Amer Dacić, and the Public Relations Adviser, Elza Mujević, were in Podgorica on an official visit to the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Montenegro, Mrs. Songul Ozan. During the visit, it was assessed that Montenegro and the Republic of Turkey have excellent political relations, while the economic relations of these two countries are strengthening every day. As the tradition, culture and customs of the Rožaje region are similar in many ways to the traditions of the Turkish people, the Ambassador pointed out that special attention is directed to the further development of the municipality of Rožaje, stressing that in the coming period, the Embassy of Turkey with her at the head, together with its friendly institutions, will work additionally on investment in the municipality of Rožaje. The President of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly, Mr. AlmirAvdić, pointed out that the cooperation between the Republic of Turkey and the Rožaje municipality has resulted in numerous investments in the Rožaje municipality, which has improved conditions in many Rožaje institutions, giving special emphasis to the improvement of working conditions in educational institutions. He also noted that the municipality of Rožaje has so far established fraternal relations with the municipalities of Bayramapaš and Kutahya from Istanbul, as part of the process of bringing together the residents of Rožaje and Montenegro with the population of the Republic of Turkey. The process of bringing our two countries together will continue in the coming period, through these or similar programs. The Ambassador of Turkey in Montenegro, Mrs. Songul, expressed her satisfaction with the visit of the representative of the Rožaje municipality, stressing that further cooperation between the Turkish Embassy and the Rožaje municipality will be reflected in future investments in the Rožaje municipality.