Members of the Consortium visiting the municipality of Rožaje
Today in the municipality of Rožaje there were members of the Consortium, which consists of the Department for Civil Protection of the Republic of Italy, the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, the Swedish Agency for Emergency Situations, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Interior of Romania, the Moravian-Silesian Fire and Rescue Brigade of the region, APELL National Center for Disaster Management from Romania and the Italian Research Foundation for Monitoring the State of the Environment, then representatives of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the Water Administration and the Institute for Hydrometeorology and Seismology.

The first phase in our municipality within the project "EU support for flood prevention and forest fire risk management in the Western Balkans and Turkey - IPA Floods and Fires" was held on July 7 and 8 this year, and today a continuation of the activity called "Country-specific procedures for developing Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) and aligning FRMPs with River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs)".

During the one-day visit, they visited the Protection and Rescue Service, then DOO "Vodovod i kanalizija" and DOO "Komunalno".
After that, a meeting was held in the Municipality, in order to analyze the pilot case study.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection, Rusmir Džudžević, Commander of the Protection and Rescue Service, Bećir Kalač, Director of DOO "VIK", Senad Mujević, Director of DOO "Komunalno" Nazim Dacić and his colleagues. After the meeting, they visited the catchment area of the Županica river in the Koljeno settlement, which is characterized as an area threatened by floods.

The activity is carried out through ad hoc missions in each partner country (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, S. Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey), with the aim of presenting and discussing possible mechanisms for efficient preparation, implementation and monitoring of the FRMP , and as the municipality of Rožaje is the only one in Montenegro that is included in this project, the visit was in Rožaje.