Director of the Customs Administration Vladan Joković donated disinfectants to the local self-government

For the employees of the local self-government and its institutions and companies, in order to protect against infection, a special work regime has been organized since today. This includes working from home where the job description allows.
Leave from work is available to people with impaired health, pregnant women, one of the parents who have children under 11 years old, and people over 55 years old. In some sectors, shift work is organized so that as few employees as possible stay in common rooms.
A significant amount of disinfectants for hands and the work area has been procured and put into use. The Director of the Customs Administration of Montenegro, Vladan Joković, through the Customs House in Bijelo Polje and the Outpost in Rožaje, donated 140 liters of ethyl alcohol to the Municipality and thus enabled the local government to carry out the disinfection process, which is crucial in the situation of preventing the spread of the virus.

Protective equipment is also provided for employees in places where the frequency is amplified for people - receiving mail, verifying documents, etc. The committee made up of experts, on the recommendation of the Municipal Team for Protection and Rescue, visited several potential locations for the establishment of quarantine. The conditions in those facilities will be reviewed in detail and sent to the relevant ministry for consideration and approval.

Activities to maintain the cleanliness of public areas have been intensified, and the daily disinfection of buses and taxis is monitored.
An activity plan is being prepared, which will contain individual and collective responsibilities at the local level in the event of an infection.