Adopted Decision on co-financing the program of sports clubs in the municipality of Rožaje

Based on Article 14 of the Decision on Co-financing of Sports ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations" No. 07/19), Article 117 of the Law on Sports ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 044/18), the Secretary of the Secretariat for Local Self-Government and social activities of the municipality of Rožaje, at the proposal of the Commission for co-financing the program of sports clubs in the municipality of Rožaje, adopts:
And the Secretary of the Secretariat for Local Self-Government and Social Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje, at the proposal of the Commission for co-financing the program of sports clubs in the Municipality of Rožaje, and in accordance with the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for the year 2020, the amount intended for financing sports clubs and sports-recreational societies of 160,000, 00 distributes as follows:
Ordinal number | Name of sports organization | Headquarters | Amount of allocated funds | ||||
1. | Football club Ibar | Rozaje | 66.497,25 | ||||
2. | Basketball club Ibar | Rozaje | 46.502,75 | ||||
3. | Judo Club Ibar | Rozaje | 17.503,87 | ||||
4. | Mountaineering club Ahmica | Rozaje | 3.996,13 | ||||
5. | Sports fishing club Ibar | Rozaje | 2.002,05 | ||||
6. | Rožaje shooting club | Rozaje | 2.001,12 | ||||
7. | Kickboxing Club Universe | Rozaje | 3.996,83 | ||||
8. | Mountaineering club Hajla 2403 | Rozaje | 1.750,23 | ||||
9. | Ibar wheelchair basketball club | Rozaje | 3.999,50 | ||||
10. | Jelenčica Mountaineering Sports Club | Rozaje | 1.750,27 | ||||
Other sports events | 10.000,00 | ||||||
Concluding with number 11. TOTAL €160,000.00
II The payment of funds will be made in accordance with the realization of the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for the year 2020.
III Sports clubs that have been allocated funds are obliged to submit a report on the expenditure of allocated funds to the Secretariat for Local Self-Government and Social Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje by the end of 2020.
About the explanation
The Decision on the Budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for the year 2020 provides €160,000.00 for the financing of sports organizations.
The Secretariat for Local Self-Government and Social Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje, in accordance with the Decision on Co-financing of Sports in the Municipality of Rožaje and the Law on Sports, has announced a Competition for the distribution of funds for the co-financing of the program of sports clubs for the year 2020, No. 0401-610/20-52 of 23.01.2020. years.
The president of the municipality, by decision no. 0101-upI041/20-33 from 17.02.2020. formed the Committee for co-financing of sports, with the task of drawing up a reasoned proposal for co-financing the program of work of sports clubs based on the submitted applications under the Public Competition.
The Committee for Sports Co-financing considered the submitted applications for the said Competition and with the application of the criteria stipulated in Article 9 of the Decision on Sports Co-financing in the Municipality of Rožaje (social importance of the sports discipline, mass, ranking of the competition, number of registered competition leagues, age categories, position taken in the competition season, Cup competition and other achieved results, equal participation of men and women, organization of national and international competitions, scoring of Olympic sports, criteria for the existence of a club, scoring of team and individual placement of age categories and achieved results in national and international competitions), as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Commission for co-financing sports in the municipality of Rožaje no. 01-018/20-147 from 27.02.2020. year, on 20.02.2020 and 26.02.2020. year, held sessions and drew up minutes by which it proposed to the secretary of the Secretariat for Local Self-Government and Social Activities, as the local government authority responsible for sports, to issue a Decision on the distribution of funds to sports organizations in the amounts specified in the enacting clause of the Decision.
Based on the mentioned minutes and in accordance with Article 14 of the decision on co-financing of sports, the secretary of the Secretariat for Local Self-Government and Social Activities of the Municipality of Rožaje, accepted the proposal and distributed funds to sports clubs as in the enacting clause of the Decision.
Based on the above, it was decided as in the operative part of the Decision.
INSTRUCTION ON LEGAL PROTECTION: Against this Decision, the dissatisfied party can file a complaint with the Chief Administrator of the Municipality of Rožaje within 08 days from the date of delivery. The complaint is submitted through this body.
Hamdo Šutković, B.Sc. lawyer