Adopted Decision establishing that it is necessary to prepare an environmental impact assessment report for "Drvo Trend" LLC

Based on Article 14 of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", No. 75/18) Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje
interested public
da je DOO ,,Drvo trend“ Rožaje donijeto Rješenje, broj UPI 06-322/20-372/3 od 26.11.2020.godine, kojim se utvrđuje da je potrebna izrada elaborata procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu za projekat poslovnog objekta za preradu drveta na katastarskoj parceli broj 550/5 KO Koljeno I, opština Rožaje.
In the decision-making process carried out on the need for an environmental impact assessment for the project in question, it was determined that the preparation of the Impact Assessment Elaborate will provide the missing necessary data, determine in detail the state of the quality of the environmental segments, predict the negative impacts of the project on the environment, determine appropriate environmental protection measures environment and define a program for monitoring the impact on the environment during the functioning of the project as well as in the event of an accident.
DOO,,Drvo trend“ Rožaje, može, shodno odredbama člana 15 Zakona, podnijeti Sekretarijatu za uređenje prostora i zaštitu životne sredine Opštine Rožaje zahtjev za određivanje obima i sadržaja Elaborata procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu.
DOO,,Drvo trend“ Rožaje je dužno, shodno odredbama člana 17 Zakona, podnijeti Sekretarijatu za uređenje prostora i zaštitu životne sredine Opštine Rožaje zahtjev za davanje saglasnosti na Elaborat procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu u roku od dvije godine od dana prijema rješenja o potrebi procjene uticaja.
An appeal against this decision can be lodged with the Chief Administrator of the Municipality of Rožaje within 15 days from the date of publication in the printed media and/or on the website of the Municipality of Rožaje, through this authority.