DOO "INTERFOOD 35" issued a decision which determines that it is not necessary to prepare an environmental impact assessment report for equipment for processing frozen forest fruit

Based on Article 14 and in connection with Article 28 of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 75/18), the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje
interested public
da je DOO “INTERFOOD 35“ Rožaje, donijeto rješenje broj: UPI 06-322/23-87/3 od 03.03.2023. godine, kojim se utvrđuje da nije potrebna izrada Elaborata procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu za opremu za preradu zamrznutog šumskog voća: ventilator za čišćenje nečistoća sa zamrznutog šumskog voća od grančica, listića i sličnih nečistoća VEN 1000, mašina za čišćenje šumskog voća KOMBO-PTLJ/POL 30/300, KEČ 50/420 Kofičasti elevator člankasti, KEČ 35/220 Kofičasti elevator člankasti i inspekcioni transporter IT 70/200.
U sprovedenom postupku odlučivanja o potrebi izrade elaborata procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu utvrđeno je da nije potrebna izrada elaborata, kao i to da se ne očekuje negativan uticaj na segmente životne sredine.
Instruction on legal protection: An appeal against this decision can be filed with the Chief Administrator of the Municipality of Rožaje within 15 days from the date of delivery of the decision. The complaint is submitted through the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje.