LLC "Zorotrade" submitted a request for a decision on the need to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Elaborate

Based on Article 13 of the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 75/18), the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje
interested public
da je Nosilac projekta DOO,,Zoro- trade“ Rožaje, podnio zahtjev za odlučivanje o potrebi izrade Elaborata procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu za projekat Poslovni objekat-proizvodni pogon za preradu drveta, na katastarskoj parceli broj 460/4 KO Kalače, opština Rožaje.
In connection with the above, we invite you to inspect the submitted documentation in the premises of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje, on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., as well as on the website
Deadline for public inspection and submission of comments and opinions in writing to the address Municipality of Rožaje, Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection, 1 M. Tita Street, Rožaje or by, je do 10.06.2022.godine. Sekretarijat za uređenje prostora i zaštitu životne sredine Opštine Rožaje