Effective intervention of the authorities saved the settlement from the fire

The President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, and the head of the Protection and Rescue Service, Nuradin Agović, were in continuous communication with the Directorate for Emergency Situations and the Army of Montenegro in order to use a synchronized action to put out the fires that engulfed a total of 18 locations yesterday.
Due to the stormy wind that was the main cause of the spread of the fire, Army helicopters could not take off to fight from the air because, according to the relevant assessments, there was a high degree of risk of collapse.
The Directorate for Emergency Situations headed by Mirsad Mulić was ready to send the vehicles of the coastal protection and rescue services to Rožaje, however, due to the length of the road and other aggravating circumstances, Commander Agović estimated that this model of assistance would not be effective. The northern municipalities were facing similar problems, so their human and technical capacities, except for one truck from Plav, could not be made available even though there was an expressed desire to come to help.
The Army helicopter visited the entire area yesterday, and if there is a need, specially equipped planes will join the firefighting operation today.
During yesterday, the Rožaj Protection and Rescue Service, in cooperation with the workers of the Communal and Waterworks as well as a certain number of volunteers, managed to effectively and in a record short time remove the fires from populated areas. Members of the Security Department and the Municipal Police closely monitored the situation.

The fires are currently affecting only forest areas and are, for now, under control.
The Protection and Rescue Service had a total of 55 interventions today.
Two uninhabited houses in Kaluđerski laz and Nurkovići, a brent in Bralići, three haylofts and an auxiliary building in Dacići burned down. During the night, a fire broke out at the school building in Dacići, but thanks to the urgent intervention of local services, it was quickly localized. The strong wind caused a lot of material damage on the territory of the entire municipality, and its extent will be assessed as soon as the conditions for it are created.
President Husović was on the ground during the day and at night and took all necessary measures to preserve the lives and property of citizens. The first man of the municipality praised the selfless commitment of the workers who put out the fires and then were on duty in the field and thanked them for their selfless assistance to the citizens.