The epidemiological situation in Rožaje is increasingly complex

The increase in the number of newly positive cases of infection over the past few days shows that the spread of the corona virus in Rožaje is gaining intensity again.
In the Health Center, they point to the casual attitude of citizens towards preventive protection measures, and they say that the current epidemiological situation is dramatic.

Dr. Cena Kajević is warning that the citizens have relaxed too much and that this is unacceptable in the current epidemiological conditions.
Doctor Kajević also notes that Rožaje is at the top of the list when it comes to the number of deaths due to the corona virus and that the situation can be reversed only if citizens maintain physical and social distance and wear protective equipment.

There are also infected among the employees of the local self-government. The first man of the municipality Rahman Husovic expresses concern about the new circumstances, but also emphasizes that the situation is under control and that work in all sectors is proceeding smoothly.

The local self-government says that they are ready for a new wave of fighting against the spread of the virus, but they also express the hope that citizens will understand the seriousness of the situation and that with a responsible attitude towards personal and collective health, they will stop the bad epidemiological wave that has gripped the municipality since the beginning of summer.