Organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro and the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, and with the support of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Serbia-Montenegro Cross-Border Cooperation Program, a Forum for the establishment of project cross-border partnerships was organized today at the "Aldi" Hotel.

The Serbia-Montenegro cross-border cooperation program, which is financially supported by the European Union accession support instruments for the period 2007-2013 (IPA), Component II, is the result of joint planning and implementation by the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of the program is aimed at connecting people, communities and economies of border regions in order to jointly contribute to the development of mutual cooperation, using human, natural, cultural and economic resources and advantages.

The forum, which preceded the third call for submission of project proposals within this program, also aimed to facilitate the meeting of potential partners and the exchange of project ideas.

It is planned that the third call for project proposals for the Serbia-Montenegro Cross-Border Cooperation Program, within which approximately 2.2 million euros will be available, will be published in the second half of the current year.

The forum gathered around 130 participants from Montenegro and Serbia. They were addressed in the introductory part by the President of the Municipality of Rožaje Nusret Kalač, the representative of the European Union delegation in Montenegro in charge of the cross-border cooperation program Serbia-Montenegro Jadranka Milić, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro Amela Kovačević and the representative of the Office for European Integration of the Republic Darko Čukuranović of Serbia.

During the Forum, the Serbia-Montenegro cross-border cooperation program and the principles of a good partnership were presented. Through work within thematic groups, which are related to economic and social development, as well as environmental protection, those present had the opportunity to present their project ideas and possibly find an interested partner from the other side of the border.

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