Citizens should not burn waste in order to avoid the risk of fire

Commander of the Protection and Rescue Service Bećir Kalač addressed the citizens regarding the increasingly frequent occurrence of burning waste in the open in order to warn of the danger of fire outbreaks.
We transmit the announcement in its entirety:

As the spring works in the open space have started, lately there have been frequent situations where property owners collect waste and deposit it in wild landfills in an illegal manner, burning of unmown meadows in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje has become frequent. In this regard, in most cases the fire on the burning property and wild dumps gets out of control and turns into a fire that is difficult to control. The resulting fires endanger human lives, property and residential buildings, i.e. it creates a general danger caused by the human factor and as such constitutes a criminal offense.
The protection and rescue service in cooperation with the municipal police and the security department of Rožaje will be forced to take measures in accordance with the law against the owner who causes a general danger. For this reason, I appeal to the citizens of the municipality of Rožaje to avoid burning in open areas (unmown meadows and deposited waste), which cause a general danger, and to remove the deposited waste in the prescribed manner, so as not to cause a general danger and thereby avoid criminal liability. - it is stated in the statement that he signs Kalac.

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