II regular session of the Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje

Based on Article 71 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly


II (second) regular session, which will be held on July 17, 2014. year, (Thursday) starting at 11:00 a.m. in the hall of the Cultural Center (library). I suggest the following for the session:


1. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Committee for Statute and Regulations;
2. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Committee for Finance, Economy and Development;
3. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the selection of members of the Committee for planning and arrangement of space and communal-housing activity;
4. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Committee for Social Activities;
5. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Committee for Intermunicipal and International Cooperation;
6. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Council for Environmental Protection;
7. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on the election of members of the Council for proposing the names of settlements, streets and squares;
8. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the selection of members of the Council for representations and complaints;
9. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Council for disabled and handicapped persons;
10. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the election of members of the Council for Gender Equality;
11. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the appointment of the Management Board of the Cultural Center;
12. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the appointment of the Council of the Provincial Museum "Ganića Kula";
13. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on the appointment of the Council of the National Library;
14. Consideration and adoption of the proposal for the Decision on the appointment of the jury for the "September 30" Award for 2014;
15. Consideration and adoption of the proposal of the Decision on the appointment of the Municipal Election Commission; 16. Consideration and adoption of the proposed Decision on determining the number of Vice Presidents of the municipality;

Number: 2110 Rožaje, 07/09/2014. year


President of the Assembly,
Husein Kurtagić, prof.sr

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