Information on the balance of liabilities and receivables as of July 1, 2014

In the past period control and insight into the operations of all entities (for the first six months of 2014) whose founder or majority management is the Municipality of Rožaje was carried out. The inspection was carried out in the only realistically possible way, and that is through bookkeeping records. That is why high-quality and legal accounting records are very important and constitute a prerequisite for the legal and objective business of any entity, regardless of its size.

As this important business segment has not been given the slightest importance by some entities in the past period, it occupies a well-deserved place and space in this report.

The main reason for the review of business operations for the first half of 2014 is to determine the state of outstanding obligations and to urgently stop observed negativity and irregularities in future operations, and not, as it is unofficially commented, to determine irregularities in operations for the sake of so-called "gloating" and "waving" papers''.

If that had been our goal, we would not have controlled this period, because even the layman knows that irregularities do not occur in the period before the regular elections themselves. But, unfortunately, there were also irregularities in this period with some entities, especially in the area of:

  1. Very bad, illegal and low-quality accounting and other records,
  2. Cashier's business,
  3. Non-functioning of management bodies,
  4. Absence of any kind of professional help and control by the Founder.

Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on: Information on the balance of liabilities and receivables

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