Public discussion on the Draft National Strategy for Youth
The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Directorate for Youth and Sports, a Working Group consisting of representatives of the civil sector and institutions, as well as with the support of the UN system in Montenegro, prepared a working version of the National Strategy for Youth.
New five-year Youth Strategy with action plan 2017-2019. is a document that clearly positions young people in Montenegro, not only as subjects of youth policy, but also as actors who are responsible for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of it. Also, this strategic framework with a holistic approach envisages cross-sectoral and multi-departmental cooperation of youth policy actors.
In order to develop this document, we consider it necessary that in the process of preparing the Proposal, we publish it publicly, we ask for comments and suggestions from citizens, scientific, professional organizations, non-governmental and other interested organizations and communities in order to improve the text of the Strategy for Youth.
You can submit comments and suggestions to the Directorate for Youth and Sports, 28 Novaka Miloševa Street or by e-mail to the following address: or
The deadline for submitting comments and suggestions is 30 days from the date of publication (August 19, 2016).
Public hearings will be organized according to the following dynamics:
First public hearing Podgorica, Multimedia Hall of the City Parliament, Independence Square, 25.07.2016. starting at 10:00 a.m,
Second public hearing Kotor, Byzantium Palace, Old Town Kotor, 26.07.2016. starting at 10:00 a.m,
Third public hearing Bijelo Polje, House of Rist Ratković, Ulica Muha Dizdarevića, 27.07.2016. starting at 10:00 a.m.
Contact person for all information: Krsto Vukadinović, tel. +382 69 192 843.
You can download the working version of the Youth Strategy HERE
You can download the form for submitting opinions on the Youth Strategy HERE
You can download the framework for monitoring and evaluating the Strategy for Youth HERE