Public competition for employment support in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje

Based DECISIONS on the criteria, method and procedure for the distribution of funds to support the economy and entrepreneurship (number 01-018/22-1380 dated 18/05/2022) Municipality of Rožaje, on 19/05/2022, announces


  1. Employers (companies and entrepreneurs) who have their headquarters or offices in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje, and who have been operating for more than 12 months from the date of signing the Agreement on the implementation of the project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje", i.e. from October 26, 2021, to submit their applications to the Public Competition for the award of a grant to support employment in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje.
  2. The area recognized by this public competition as a priority in accordance with the development goals of the Municipality of Rožaje is wood processing.
  3. The total amount of funds distributed by this competition amounts to 300.000,00 €. Funds for the distribution of grants were provided by the project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood-processing sector in the municipality of Rozaje" (CFCU/MNE/180), which the Municipality of Rožaje implements within IPA II - Multiannual Program of the European Union for Montenegro for employment, education and social protection.
  4. Certain financial resources are allocated as state aid of small value in accordance with the Regulation on detailed criteria, conditions and methods of granting state aid (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 27/2010 and No. 16/2014) with the aim of increasing employment and supporting employers for opening jobs and on-the-job training in less developed municipalities in Montenegro, in accordance with the National Strategy for Employment and Human Resources Development 2016-2020 and Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro for the period 2014-2020, and the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje for the period 2021-2025.
  5. The project envisages support for the implementation of on-the-job training for at least 30 and the employment of at least 20 long-term unemployed persons from the records of the ZZZCG - Rožaje Labor Bureau, who are on the ZZZ's records for at least 12 (twelve) months before the announcement of the public competition for the grant award. 
  6. Priority in employment is given to vulnerable groups - young people[1], women and persons with disabilities.
  7. The grant amount requested within this public competition must be between the following minimum and maximum amount:
    - the minimum grant amount is €10,000.00 (for at least two trained and at least one newly employed worker), and - the maximum grant amount is €30,000.00 (for at least three trained and at least two newly employed workers).
  8. The grant funds are intended for the purchase of modern woodworking equipment, which will serve, first of all, for the purpose of employment and creation of new jobs, and for the purpose of modernization and improvement of the production of the grant recipient's company.
  9. The deadline for submission of applications is June 3, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The public tender was published on the website of the Municipality of Rožaje (, where interested parties can download the mandatory application forms for the competition with guidelines for applicants and accompanying documentation.
  10. When applying for the Public Competition, it is necessary to send the Application Form and accompanying documentation via the postal service in a closed and sealed envelope marked "Application for the Public Competition for Employment Support in the Wood Processing Sector in the Municipality of Rožaje", to the address: Municipality of Rožaje, ul. Marshal Tito no. 1, 84310 Rožaje, with indication CFCU/MNE/180-5 and inscription DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE REGISTRATION OPENING SESSION. Applications can also be submitted by personal delivery in a closed and sealed envelope
    verti with the indication "Application for the Public competition for employment support in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje" to the archive, i.e. in the office for citizens in the building of the Municipality of Rožaje, at the address: ul. Marshal Tito no. 1, 84310 Rožaje, with indication CFCU/MNE/180-5 and inscription DO NOT OPEN BEFORE THE REGISTRATION OPENING SESSION.
  11. The application form (Appendix A) and accompanying documentation (Appendices B, C, D, E, F and G) are submitted in 5 copies (1 original and 4 copies) and an electronic version on a CD/USB memory. Applications to the Public tender for employment support in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje that are not submitted within the stipulated time, that are handwritten, that are submitted on forms that are not prescribed by the Tender, as well as administratively incomplete, will not be considered.
  1. Employers can apply with only one application. Related legal entities cannot apply.
  2. When applying, employers submit the following mandatory documents for completion:

    – Appendix A – Grant application;
    – Appendix B – List of proposed unemployed persons from the Labor Bureau;
    – Appendix C – Statement of proposed unemployed persons from the Labor Bureau;
    – Appendix D – Declaration of the applicant - conditions and accuracy of data;
    – Appendix E – Declaration of the applicant-commitment;
    – Appendix F – Consent-credit register of the central bank and
    – Appendix G – Checklist.
  3. Employers submit the following when applying mandatory supplementary documents:

    - Extract from the Central Register of Business Entities not older than 30 days from the date of announcement of the competition
    - Authorization for work from the register of the competent municipal body not older than 30 days from the date of announcement of the competition;
    – Decision on VAT registration (if the employer is registered in the VAT system);
    – A copy of the valid Statute of the company;
    - Set of forms for annual accounts, i.e. financial forms for 2020 and 2021 (balance sheet and income statement). For registered entrepreneurs, it is necessary to submit the appropriate form issued by the Revenue and Customs Administration (ZPO, GPPFL, Ruling of the Revenue Administration (tax administration) on flat taxation or other).
    - Confirmation of the Revenue and Customs Administration on the orderly settlement of taxes and contributions no older than 30 days from the date of the announcement of the competition, ending on 12/31/2021.
    - The appropriate form for the last month of tax and contribution payment for employees not older than 30 days from the announcement of the competition, certified by the Revenue and Customs Administration, as proof of the number of employees, as of December 31, 2021.
    - Confirmation by the local government authority whose competence is the determination, collection and control of taxes that the applicant has no outstanding tax obligations in the previous year;
    – Offer/proforma invoice/pre-contract/agreement for the realization of the procurement of equipment with a description and costs (signed and certified);
    - Proof of ownership of business premises (title deed in the name of the company or similar) or proof of long-term lease of business premises, concluded at least one month before the announcement of the competition (the duration of the contract must be at least 5 years);
    - Confirmation that the company and the responsible person are not in the criminal records of the Ministry of Justice.
    - Confirmation/certification that the company is not in bankruptcy/liquidation proceedings;
    - Evidence of the existing condition: a document describing the previous condition, photos, cards of fixed assets as of December 31, 2021. etc.;
  4. The application evaluation process is carried out by the Evaluation Commission in accordance with the Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the distribution of funds to support the economy and entrepreneurship ((number 01-018/22-1380 dated 18 May 2022), i.e. with the acceptance criteria and contained in the Evaluation Table. After the administrative check of received applications, the evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

    – Operational capacities of the applicant;
    - Target group;
    – Number of newly employed workers;
    – Previous experience in the field of business;
    - Length of employment of newly employed workers;
    - Budget.
  5. The evaluation table with the presented criteria is used to evaluate the quality of received applications.
  SectionMax. result
1. Operational capacities of the applicant10
1.1. Do the applicants have sufficient management capacity? (including staff, equipment and premises)?7
1.2. Are women represented in the ownership/management structure?3
2. Innovative aspect of the business plan25
2.1. Does the applicant have final production?5
2.2. Does the introduction (installation) of new equipment contribute to the finalization of production and the creation of a new product?5
2.3. Does the introduction of new equipment create new jobs and create conditions for new employment in the medium term?5
2.4. Detailed description of the activity that the applicant plans to implement through this project (goals and results that will be achieved after the implementation of the activity, whether the implementation of the activity will affect the increase in employment, increase in income, expansion of the market and how, etc.)10
3. Target group15
3.1 Do unemployed persons belong to the vulnerable target groups specified in the public call (youth, women, persons with disabilities)?15
4. Number of newly employed workers15
4.1 How many workers will the employer hire from those who have undergone training at the workplace?15
5. Previous experience in the field of business15
5.1 Does the applicant have all the necessary professional and entrepreneurial knowledge and references for the implementation of the grant?10
5.2. Has the applicant made investments in the previous two years in related activities with the aim of further developing the company and increasing competitiveness?5
6. Length of employment of newly employed workers         10
6.1 Will newly employed persons conclude an employment contract for a period longer than the minimum?10
7. Budget10
7.1 Is the planned budget made in the form and in accordance with the amounts established in the public invitation?10
Maximum total score100

17. Only companies that have passed the administrative and criteria check (evaluation) acquire the conditions for a field visit, i.e. determination of the factual situation by visiting the company.

18. The Evaluation Committee is obliged to prepare a proposal for a Decision on awarding a grant to support employment in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje within five (5) days from the closing date of the competition.

19. The decision on awarding a grant to support employment in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje is delivered to the participants of the competition and published on the website of the municipality, no later than ten (10) days from the closing date of the competition.

20. Within 10 days from the date of adoption of the Decision, the President of the Municipality concludes the Agreement with the responsible person of the employers to whom the funds were allocated.

21. All information regarding the project and application can be obtained by sending an inquiry to the e-mail address:

22. Competition package published on the website of the Municipality of Rožaje contains forms to be filled in, as well as forms and documents for information. 


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