Public competition for employment support in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje

The Commission for Evaluation of Applications Received at the Public Competition informs the interested public and companies that have submitted applications for participation in the Public Competition for Employment Support in the Wood Processing Sector in the Municipality of Rožaje that the deadline for the preparation of proposals for the Decision on Grant Awarding is extended to 24/06/2022 (Friday). The reasons for extending the deadline are the scope of the submitted documentation, communication with the competent municipal and state authorities regarding the validity of the submitted documentation, field work (tour) and allowing additional time for companies that have minor deficiencies in their applications to eliminate them.
The interested public and companies that submitted applications for participation in the Public Competition will be informed about the next steps in a timely manner through the website of the Municipality of Rožaje.
The public tender for employment support in the wood-processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje was realized as an activity of the project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood-processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje" (CFCU/MNE/180) - Joint action for active employmentmeasures in wood-processing sector in Municipality Rozaje (JAFAM).
The project "Joint action for active employment measures in the wood processing sector in the municipality of Rožaje" (CFCU/MNE/180) and the Program for improving competitiveness and employment in the wood processing sector for the year 2022 are implemented through a contract with the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare of Montenegro - Directorate for financing and contracting EU aid funds, with the control and consent of the Delegation of the European Union (DEU) in Montenegro.
Fikret Kuch,
project manager