Public competition for the distribution of funds from the Rožaje Municipality Budget dedicated to support women's entrepreneurship

On the basis of Article 3 paragraph 1 and Article 5 paragraph 3 of the Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the distribution of funds to support women's entrepreneurship ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - municipal regulations", No. 34/19 of 19 August 2019), the Distribution Commission funds to support women's entrepreneurship, announces



  1. Entrepreneurs and companies in which women are business owners - the founder or one of the founders and the executive director of the company must be a woman (hereinafter: company/entrepreneur) with residence or headquarters in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje are invited to submit their applications to the Competition for the distribution of budget funds intended for women who want to start or develop their own business.
  2. Sredstva predviđena Budžetom Opštine Rožaje za 2019. godinu raspodjeljuju se za bisnis planove koji doprinose ostvarivanju utvrđenih ciljeva u strateškim dokumentima, programima i planovima Opštine, a kojima se naročito:
    -podstiče ekonomski razvoj opštine;
    -podstiče razvoj poljoprivrede i ruralnog područja;
    -podstiče razvoj organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje;
    -stvaraju uslovi i podstiče razvoj turizma;
    -podstiče razvoj lova i ribolova;
    -doprinosi afirmaciji i valorizaciji kulturnog potencijala, tradicije i kulturne posebnosti opštine;
    -razvoj fizičke kulture i sporta;
    -doprinosi očuvanju životne sredine i održivog razvoja.


Za sve nabrojane podsticaje, Odlukom o budžetu opštine Rožaje za 2019. godinu predviđeno je ukupno 10.000,00€.

Maksimalna visina podrške u okviru jednog biznis plana ne može iznositi više od 20% od ukupnog iznosa predviđenog Budžetom Opštine za podršku ženskom preduzetništvu.

Društvo/preduzetnica može konkurisati za ukupan iznos ili za dio sredstava za realizaciju aktivnosti iz biznis plana i dužna je dato naznači.

  1. Konkurs za raspodjelu sredstava otvoren je 45 dana od dana njegovog objavljivanja u dnevnom listu i web stranici Opštine Rožaje, odnosno od utorka 10.09.2019. godine do ponedjeljka 24.10.2019. godine do 12 časova.
  2. The application for the competition is submitted to the Commission on the prescribed form and submitted to the Rožaje Municipality office.
  3. U zapečaćenoj koverti, preduzetnice koje žele da započnu sopstveni biznis , prilažu:
  • prijavu za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava (Obrazac 1);
  • izrađen biznis plan (Obrazac 2);
  • ovjerena kopija lične karte;
  • certificate of non-conviction for criminal offenses against business and criminal offenses against property;
  • letter of recommendation or intent;
  • three printed and one electronic version of the business plan on CD.

In a sealed envelope, entrepreneurs planning business development attach:

  • prijavu za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava (Obrazac 1);
  • izrađen biznis plan (Obrazac 2);
  • ovjerena kopija lične karte;
  • certificate of non-conviction for criminal offenses against business and criminal offenses against property;
  • letter of recommendation or intent;
  • three printed and one electronic version of the business plan on CD;
  • the decision on the registration of the end user in the court register, that is, the register of the competent municipal body;
  • decision on registration for VAT if the end user is liable for VAT;
  • valid Company Statute;
  • original or certified copy of the form of certified signatures of persons authorized to represent (OP) and a valid card of deposited signatures;
  • confirmation from the Tax Administration on the orderly settlement of taxes and contributions not older than 30 days;
  • a set of forms for annual accounts (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Gross Balance (Final Sheet), customer and supplier analysis) for the previous year, except for entrepreneurs who are not required to prepare financial reports;
  • odgovarajući obrazac za poslednji mjesec uplate poreza i doprinosa za zaposlene ovjeren od Poreske uprave, kao dokaz o broju zaposlenih. Biznis planovi koji se neće podržati su:
  • Activities that are under the competence or responsibility of the Government of Montenegro, such as formal education, formal health care, etc.;
  • Business plans requesting financial resources for the purchase and distribution of humanitarian aid;
  • Business plans that are exclusively based on the one-time creation, preparation and printing of books, brochures, newsletters, magazines and the like, if the publication of such publications is not part of a wider program or more comprehensive and continuous activities;
  • Activity that is considered illegal or harmful to the environment and dangerous to human health: games of chance, tobacco, alcoholic beverages (with the exception of the production of wine and fruit brandies);
  • Immoral and illegal activities.
  1. Komisija vrši raspodjelu sredstava na osnovu pristiglih prijava na konkurs, cijeneći kriterijume propisane članom 19 Odluke o kriterijumima, načinu i postupku raspodjele sredstava za podršku ženskom preduzetništvu („Službeni list Crne Gore – opštinski propisi”, br. 34/19 od 19.08.2019. godine).
  2. For all additional questions, the contact person is:
    Amela Kalender, sekretarka Komisije
    +382 51 270 430

Ismet Hadžić

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