Public competition for the distribution of funds for projects to non-governmental organizations for the year 2015


Based on Article 4 of the Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the distribution of funds to non-governmental organizations (Official Gazette of Montenegro Municipal Regulations, No. 14/2015)









  1. The subject of the Contest is the distribution of funds to non-governmental organizations registered in Montenegro, with headquarters in the municipality of Rožaje, for projects that are entirely or predominantly implemented on the territory of the municipality, in the following areas:


  • provides solutions to youth problems, diversity and a higher level and quality of services in the field of social, child protection and other forms of protection;
  • contributes to the affirmation and valorization of the cultural potential, tradition and cultural uniqueness of the municipality, raising the level of urban culture and preserving cultural heritage;
  • contributes to the development of local democracy;
  • improving the work of local government bodies, realizing the principle of transparency

and responsibilities in the work of the body;

  • encourages the economic development of the Municipality,
  • contributes to the preservation of the environment and sustainable development.
  1. The right to participate in the Contest is for non-governmental organizations that, until the day of the Contest announcement

registered in Montenegro.

  1. The distribution of funds is carried out by the Commission for the distribution of funds for projects of non-governmental organizations (in

hereinafter referred to as the Commission), appointed by the President of the Municipality.

  1. A non-governmental organization submits an application to the Competition.
    • The non-governmental organization application form can be obtained from the Secretariat for Culture and Social Affairs

activities and sports or download from the website of the Municipality of Rožaje (

4.2. The application is submitted to the Commission in a sealed envelope and submitted directly to the Municipality office


4.3. A non-governmental organization can apply for the total amount or for part of the funds for implementation

activities from project I must indicate this.

4.4. The following is attached to the application:

  • proof that the non-governmental organization is registered in Montenegro and has its seat in the municipality;
  • a brief description of the non-governmental organization with data on previously implemented projects;
  • project or program with which the non-governmental organization competes for the allocation of funds;
  • guarantee (statement) of the person authorized to represent and represent the non-governmental organization that it did not receive funds or part of the funds from another donor for the implementation of the project it is applying for.
  • a statement whether the non-governmental organization submitted the nominated project to another donor for consideration in the previous period or at the time of submission to the Municipality's competition.
  • A non-governmental organization can submit expert recommendations or other relevant documentation along with the above documentation.
  • The non-governmental organization that used budget funds for the realization of projects, according to a public tender in the previous year, also submits a report on the implementation of the project with a detailed description of the stages of implementation and a detailed explanation of possible deviations, including a financial report prepared in accordance with a special regulation.
  • If the non-governmental organization does not submit the requested reports on the implemented projects from previous years that were financed from the Municipal budget, it cannot participate in the distribution of funds for the year in which the funds are distributed.

You can view the detailed text by clicking on: PUBLIC COMPETITION FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF NGO FUNDS 2015

You can see the application form by clicking on: application form for NGO projects 2015


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