JU Center for Social Work formed a team for psychosocial support

JU Center for Social Work for the municipality of Rožaje, in response to the emerging situation of the coronavirus epidemic, formed a team for psychosocial support. Given that this situation largely reflects the large number of citizens in terms of psychosocial stability and problems caused by the uncertain situation due to the information citizens receive daily, the Center made a decision to form this team. The team for psychosocial support was formed by Esad Plunac - pedagogue and Nedžad Murić - psychologist, who will conduct daily treatment by phone for citizens who need psychosocial support. Bearing in mind that this Center with its services serves a large number of citizens of all categories in society, we consider it justified to form this type of support and assistance to our citizens in this situation.
Contact phone
Esad Plunac – 067 402 258
Nedžad Murić – 067 301 544
The director
Edin Hodzic