
JP "Komunalno" Rožaje

Director: Nazim Dacić
Address: Jaha Kurtagica bb, 84 310 Rožaje
Phone: 051/271-330; Mobile: 068/035-802

JP "Communal” Rožaje belongs to the category of public companies and performs activities of general interest for the Municipality of Rožaje. Since its foundation in 2010. The public enterprise "Komunalno" Rožaje has changed its form of organization, name and scope of work. After the transformation in 2010 when the former PUK Rožaje was divided into JP "Community" and JP "Water and sewerage".

The public enterprise "Komunalno" in Rožaje is, by its status, a public enterprise established for the purpose of performing communal activities of general interest for all citizens and the economy. The scope of work of JP "Komunalno" includes a number of communal activities:

  • maintenance of public hygiene in the city;
  • maintenance of public areas and streets with all accompanying facilities on them;
  • maintenance of green areas in the city;
  • maintaining cleanliness for natural and legal persons;
  • maintenance and use of the temporary main city landfill;
  • winter maintenance of streets and public areas in the city;
  • market services and market maintenance;

For the sake of more efficient work and better functional arrangement of available capacities, the Public Utility Company has organized its work in a sectoral organization, namely:

  • City Cleanliness and Urban Greenery Working Unit;
  • City and market organization work unit;
  • Service for joint affairs;

JP "Komunalno" Rožaje is classified in the category of medium enterprises. The total number of workers is 48.