COMPETITION of the 28th International Children's Song Festival "GOLD SNOWFLAKE" 2021



Međunarodnog festivala dječije pjesme „ZLATNA PAHULJA“ 2021

Prijave za izvođače iz Crne Gore (prvo veče)

1. Na Konkurs se mogu prijaviti kompozicije za djecu KOJE NIJESU RANIJE OBJAVLJIVANE.

2. The text of the compositions must be intended for children's age and MUST NOT BE PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED.

3. The maximum duration of the composition is 3:30 minutes.

4. One composer can send several compositions.

5. Selected compositions are performed by children with Montenegrin citizenship aged 7 to 13. The artists are selected by the authors in cooperation with the artistic director of the Festival. Authors of compositions can be from abroad.

6. Performers perform the dress rehearsal and competition performance live in the first part of the Festival, and on playback in the second part of the Festival.

7. Compositions selected by the Selection Committee are redeemed.

8. Selected compositions cannot be withdrawn later.

9. The Festival organizer reserves the right to use selected compositions and can print them on sound and image carriers.

10. The authors are obliged to arrange the selected compositions in a studio.

11. Mastering of the composition is realized by the organizer of the Festival.

12. Applications should be sent by mail to the address: Rožaje Cultural Center, ul. 13. juli bb, 84310 Rožaje with the indication "For the Contest - participants from Montenegro" or to e-mail

13. Applications must contain a demo audio recording (CD, DVD or USB memory if sent by mail), information about the authors, text of the composition and contact information of the author.

14. Prijave slati do 31. oktobra 2020. godine.

15. The organizer informs the authors of the compositions that have been selected for performance at the Festival.

16. Finalne aranžmane (full i matrica) slati u nekompresovanom wav formatu
(16bit – 44.1kHz) najkasnije do 15. decembra 2020. godine. Ukoliko se finalni aranžmani šalju elektronskom poštom, potrebno ih je kompresovati sa WinRar ili WinZip arhiverom i postaviti na neki od servera za razmjenu fajlova. Ujedno, sa poslatim finalnim aranžmanom (full i matrica) treba poslati sljedeće informacije: ime, prezime, fotografiju i biografiju izvođača, kao i imena i prezimena autora muzike, aranžmana i teksta.

Prijave za izvođače iz inostranstva (internacionalno veče)

1. Compositions for children that may have been previously published can be submitted to the Competition.

2. The text of the compositions must be intended for children's age and can be published earlier.

3. The maximum duration of the composition is 3:30 minutes.

4. One composer may submit several works.

5. Selected compositions are performed by children aged 7 to 13 and represent the countries they come from.

6. Performers perform the dress rehearsal and competition performance live in the first part of the Festival, and on playback in the second part of the Festival.

7. Selected compositions cannot be withdrawn later.

8. The Festival organizer reserves the right to use selected compositions and can print them on sound and image carriers.

9. The authors are obliged to arrange the selected compositions in a studio.

10. Applications should be sent by mail to the address: Rožaje Cultural Center, ul. 13. juli bb, 84310 Rožaje with the indication "For the Competition - participants from abroad" or to e-mail

11. Applications must contain a studio-arranged recording (CD, DVD or USB memory if sent by mail), information about the authors and the name of the country represented by the performer, the text of the composition and contact information of the performer and mentor.

12. Prijave slati do 1. januara 2021. godine.

13. The organizer informs the authors of the compositions that have been selected for performance at the Festival.

14. Finalne aranžmane (full i matrica) slati u nekompresovanom wav formatu
(16bit – 44.1kHz). Ukoliko se finalni aranžmani šalju elektronskom poštom, potrebno ih je kompresovati sa WinRar ili WinZip arhiverom i postaviti na neki od servera za razmjenu fajlova. Ujedno, sa poslatim finalnim aranžmanom treba poslati: ime, prezime, fotografiju i biografiju izvođača kao i imena i prezimena autora muzike, aranžmana i teksta.

The organizer will form an Expert Jury that decides on the best compositions and interpretations, the best text and arrangement and the Special Award of the Expert Jury.

Dječiji žiri se sastoji od hora i Plesnog studija Centra za kulturu koji će dodijeliti Nagradu Dječijeg žirija.

Nagrade su novčane. Festival će se održati 26. i 27. februara 2021. godine u Centru za kulturu Rožaje.

Informacije u vezi Festivala možete dobiti telefonom na broj +382 67 510 589 ili putem elektronske pošte

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