Vice Presidents of the Municipality of Rožaje

Armin Honsic

Ismet Kalac was born on May 1, 1967. in Rožaje.
He completed primary and secondary school in Rožaje.
He graduated from the Higher Technical Textile School in Leskovac, graduated in 1989 at the Faculty of Leskovac, and received the title of Textile Engineer. He was the President of the youth of the student center in Leskovac.

  • 2015. godine završio fakultet  za menadžment , dobio zvanje dipl. Menadžer.
  • Performed the function of head of the Work Organization progress of Rožaje for a period of four years.
  • Fukciju direktora u OrtačkomDruštvu „ Mitex“ Rožaje, obavljao  od 1993-2003.god.
  • Istaknuti je  pčelar i Sekretar pčelarskog udruženja „ Medljika“.
  • Obavljao poslove  Potpredsjednika Sekretara političkog Savjeta.
  • Bio Odbornik u Skupštini opštine Rožaje u  sazivu 2014. godine ispred Kluba Bošnjačke Stranke.
  • In two convocations, he was a member of the Municipal Board of the Bosniak Party and is a member of the Executive Board.
  • He held the position of Chief of Cabinet of the President of the Municipality of Rožaje for 6 years.

Married, father of three children.