Draft decision on house rules in residential buildings

On the basis of Article 110 of the Law on Local Self-Government ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia" No. 42/03, 28/04, 75/05) Articles 2 and 8 of the Decision on the Method and Procedure of the Participation of Local Population in Performing Public Affairs (" Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia"-municipal regulations No. 12/05), the Secretariat for Traffic, Road Infrastructure and Housing Affairs of the Municipality of Rožaje, publishes:



The interested public, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and all interested citizens are invited to take part in the drafting of the "Decision on house rules in residential buildings".

Inspection of the Draft of the mentioned Decision can be done in the premises of the Secretariat for Traffic, Road Infrastructure and Housing Affairs of the Municipality of Rožaje every working day from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., starting from August 20, 2015. until 10.09.2015. years. as well as clicking HERE

The central discussion on the draft of the mentioned plans will be held in the small hall of the library of the Rožaje Cultural Center on September 4, 2015, starting at 12:00.

Proposals and suggestions can be submitted in writing or by email: elifahusic@gmail.com

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