Draft of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje for the period 2014-2020
Dear fellow citizens,
The Draft Strategic Plan for the Development of the Municipality of Rožaje for the period 2014-2020 has been prepared. We ask all interested subjects in the Municipality of Rožaje, citizens and legal entities, to send them to the address Municipality of Rožaje, Secretariat for spatial arrangement and environmental protection in written or electronic form on urbanizamrozaje@t-com.me;
All your remarks, suggestions, recommendations and suggestions received at the mentioned addresses, including December 6, 2013, we will consider carefully.
As it is a strategically very important planning document for the development of the municipality of Rožaje in the period from 2014 to 2020, it would be highly desirable to have the participation of a wider number of entities and individuals with constructive proposals that would contribute to the quality of this document, and in order to achieve complete consensus in Rojajam about the same.
You can have a look here Draft of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje