The construction of a transfer station and a recycling yard with a sorting plant has been announced

The Secretariat for Planning, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection announces the construction of a transfer station and a recycling yard in the municipality of Rožaje.
In order to start the realization of that project, in addition to the improvement of the spatial planning documentation, a feasibility study was carried out, which estimates the value of the investment at 2,437,492.00 euros.
The construction of the transfer station and recycling yard is financed by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in cooperation with the municipality of Rožaje, and the Center for International Cooperation and Development of the Republic of Slovenia has expressed its willingness to participate in co-financing, in the amount of 1,388,669.00 euros.
The location of the main and supporting facilities of the transfer station will be in the Zeleni industrial zone, near the Ambassador Hotel. The main recycling center for the north of Montenegro will be located in Bijelo Polje.
The Secretariat for Planning, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection explains that the implementation of this project will solve the problem of waste management and create conditions for a sustainable and controlled way of its disposal.
"Mixed municipal waste, from city and wild landfills, will be brought to the transfer station where recyclable components will be separated, and in this way the goals set in relation to the reuse of waste and its recycling will be met. By recycling, the issue of waste disposal will be solved in an efficient manner. and financially profitable way, protect the natural environment and renewable resources such as water, and the whole process will start and create new jobs. Modern waste management and a clean environment are conditions that local communities and the state must meet in order to enter the European Union," said the competent municipal secretariat.