Continued works on rehabilitation and modernization of the road network in Biševo

Today, work on the rehabilitation and modernization of the road network in Biševo continued. The branch towards Omerovići is asphalted.

President of the Municipality Rahman Husovic he visited the works accompanied by his associates and talked with the locals about future investments.
He said that one of the priority goals of the local self-government is to help people in rural areas create a better living environment in order to effectively carry out their daily activities.

President of the Biševo local community Remzo Mehović he thanked President Husović and his team for, as he said, sincere cooperation and emphasized that he hopes that the local self-government will continue to invest in the recovery of all forms of infrastructure in that area of the municipality from the next construction season.

During this year's construction season, several roads in Biševo were asphalted, which is why the representatives of the local community expressed their satisfaction even today.