OKC Notice: Possible fires in inaccessible forest areas
The Directorate for Protection and Rescue of Montenegro, Operational and Communication Center 112, with the aim of timely and efficient action on the announcement of extreme meteorological phenomena in the territory of Montenegro, we inform you of the following:
In the period from July 19 to 27, 2021, in the territory of Montenegro, especially in the central and southern parts, high tropical air temperatures are expected. For July 19, moderate to gusty and strong northerly winds are expected.

According to the current weather forecast for the period from July 25-27, 2022, there will be conditions for local short-term rain with thunder in the afternoon in the northern and sometimes in the central mountain areas. However, the occurrence of thunder (lightning strike) can be followed by the absence of rain, and it can initiate a fire and start a fire in inaccessible forest areas.
Due to all of the above, it is necessary to raise the level of operational readiness to a higher level.