Notification at the request of Murić Fahrudin about the results of the examination procedure

Based on Article 111 of the Law on Administrative Procedure ("SI.list CG", no. 56/14, 20/15, 40/16 1 37/17), we inform Murić Fahtudin about the results of the examination procedure in the administrative procedure, for the legalization of illegal of the built object, launched according to the above request.
During the examination procedure, the following evidence was presented:
- An inspection of the request for legalization of the object in question no. UP 0403-1256 from 17.07.2018. years,
- An overview of the Notification of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje no. 06-333/22-220 from 03.24.2022. year, which requested the addition of the documentation necessary for deciding on the subject request for legalization,
- The return receipt was inspected - proof of delivery of notification No. 06-333/22-220, dated 03/26/2022. years.
Based on the above evidence and the results of the examination procedure, it follows that Murić Fahrudin's request for the legalization of an illegally built building is NOT IN ORDER. This is because Article 60 of the Law on Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro No. 56/14, 20/15, 40/16 and 37/17) states that when a submission contains some formal defect that makes it impossible to act on it or if the submission is unintelligible or incomplete, the authorized official will require the party to eliminate the deficiencies and set a deadline in which he must do so.
If the party corrects the deficiencies within a certain period, it will be considered that the submission was in order from the time of its submission.
If the party does not eliminate the deficiencies within the specified period, the authorized official will, within seven days from the expiry of the deadline set for supplementing the documentation, reject the submission with a decision.
Taking into account the above as well as the fact that this authority, by notification no. 06-333/22-220 from 03.24.2022. asked Murić to supplement the documentation in the administrative procedure for the legalization of the illegally built building, and the fact that the notification in question was properly delivered to Fahrudin Murić on March 26, 2022. year and the fact that you did not submit the requested documentation to this authority within the deadline,
The Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Wildlife Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje, with the application of Article 60 of the ZUP, will reject the request as irregular.
In terms of Article 112 of the Law on Administrative Procedure, You can comment on the results of the examination procedure in writing within 3 (three) days from the date of receipt of this notification., or orally on the Minutes of this public law body in the official premises of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje.
If you do not express your opinion on the results of the examination procedure within the specified period, this body will issue a decision without your statement.