Provided food for 200 families in Rožaje

Municipal organization Red Cross will distribute packages with basic foodstuffs and flour to 200 households in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje.
At the initiative of the local self-government and the Municipal Red Cross Organization, support for this action was provided by a German humanitarian organization HELP whose seat is in Bonn. Priority will be given to families and individuals who are in self-isolation, members of the elderly, single mothers and other categories of the population that are most exposed to the negative effects of the corona virus epidemic.

"Red Cross volunteers visit households that have been imposed self-isolation measures every day and deliver food aid to them. The fact that the epidemiological situation in Rožaje is getting even more complicated obliges us to work even more agilely in the field of providing support to our fellow citizens, so we will try to reach every person who needs help.", he said Džemil Ademagić, secretary of the Municipal Red Cross Organization, and thanked the local self-government for, as he said, the correct cooperation, as well as the HELP organization, which provided provisions for Rožaje.