Councilors unanimously adopted the Report on the work of the President of the Municipality

Below is the speech of President Husović at today's session of the local parliament
- The past year was filled with numerous social and financial challenges. This is precisely why it was necessary to further improve the work of local self-government. We strived for the local administration to be a reliable partner and service to our citizens, state bodies, international organizations, the civil sector, as well as other institutions, and to meet the common needs of the local population through the most efficient execution of work. We achieved this goal in accordance with our capabilities and the needs of citizens.
We focused special attention and responsibility on the rehabilitation and modernization of the road network and the construction of other infrastructure. We managed to pave about 12 km of city and rural roads, and work on the rehabilitation of macadam roads was going on in parallel.
I would like to point out that the residents of Gornja Lovnica, Donja Lovnica, Klanac, Ćosovica and other surrounding towns, after initiatives that lasted more than 10 years, got an asphalt driveway to their homes. The value of this project reached 420 thousand euros.
In the reporting period, the Directorate for Investments, Construction and Traffic implemented investment activities in the total amount of 1,076,000 euros instead of the planned 550,000.

I would like to point out that in the reporting period we regularly paid wages to the employees of the local self-government and we will continue to work on fulfilling all the remaining obligations to the employees because this is one of our priorities.
We regularly fulfilled our financial obligations to sports, humanitarian and other organizations, pensioners' associations, religious communities, political parties and cultural workers based on their requests.
In the past year, we actively communicated with the competent state authorities for the transfer of the land of Gornji Ibar to the Municipality of Rožaje.
By creating the Detailed Urban Plan CENTAR II, legal and planning assumptions were created to valorize this space in accordance with the needs of citizens and the strategic decisions of the local community.
Accordingly, the Decision of the Government of Montenegro on the transfer of the right to dispose of immovable property to the Municipality of Rožaje was adopted for the purpose of achieving public interest, i.e. bringing it to its intended purpose.
Today, I am announcing that the Municipality of Rožaje will strictly comply with planning documentation and legal procedures when repurposing that space, because that land represents a huge resource and an extraordinary chance for the further development of the municipality and the creation of new jobs.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform the citizens that according to the Detailed Urban Plan, the construction of residential and business complexes, buildings of the third elementary school and kindergarten, emergency services, as well as service facilities, sports fields and park areas is planned for the mentioned locality.

The municipality of Rožaje, in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan, created prerequisites for the realization of significant capital investments in order to increase the overall social and economic development of the community.
In order to improve the business environment in the municipality of Rožaje, activities on the establishment of the Business Zone "Zeleni" continued. Despite the administrative barriers, the documentation necessary for the establishment of the Zone has been completed. The consent of the competent Ministry was obtained regarding the successive felling of the forest at that location. An Elaborate on land parcelling was prepared and letters of intent from potential investors interested in the "Business Zone" were provided. In the final phase is the adoption of the DUP, which includes the location and on the basis of which the infrastructural arrangement of the Business Zone will be carried out.
The Municipality of Rožaje has signed the Protocol on Cooperation on the Implementation of the Reconstruction of the Old Bridge and Footpaths Project with the Turkish Agency for International Cooperation and Coordination - TIKA. The value of this project is 340,000 euros. Its implementation will significantly enhance the appearance of the city core.
Works on capital projects carried out in the territory of the municipality of Rožaje, which are financed by the Government, proceeded mainly in accordance with the planned dynamics.
The total value of realized investments in 2021 is around two and a half million euros. Given the limited financial resources and the numerous socio-economic challenges we face every day, I can freely say that in 2021 we achieved positive progress both in the field of improving the efficiency of local self-government work and in the area of realizing important investments.
I take the opportunity to thank all councilors for the decisions made, associates and employees in the local self-government, and friends of our municipality, both in Montenegro and in the diaspora, on behalf of myself and the municipality, for the support they continuously provided us, and at the same time to express the hope that in the future we will continue to work together on the development of this environment.
Dear citizens, I would like to mention that last year I had meetings with the prime minister, line ministers, ambassadors, heads of numerous state, foreign and local institutions, presidents of municipalities in Montenegro and the region.
I was in constant communication with citizens and presidents of local communities so that we could more easily see common interests and goals.
Our work was transparent. I promise that we will continue to work responsibly with the readiness to be publicly evaluated.
Dear citizens, the Municipality is open for cooperation. We are facing a period in which we will advocate for further development and implementation of projects of general interest - said President Husović.