The initial meeting for the development of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje was held

Today, November 4, 2020, in the small hall of the Culture Center, the initial meeting of the Working Group for the development of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Rožaje for the period from 2021 to 2025 was held.

The meeting was attended by the President of the Municipality of Rožaje Rahman Husovic, coordinator and members of the Working Group, which includes representatives of local self-government and municipal public enterprises, representatives of national institutions at the local level, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the private sector and other entities in accordance with the specificities of LGUs.
In his opening address, President Husović spoke about the importance of creating a Strategic Plan that will define a clear hierarchy of development goals for the municipality of Rožaje.

The working group for the development of this plan was formed by the president of the municipality, and the coordinator Arbin Kalač introduced the attendees to the process of preparing the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Local Self-Government Unit. He emphasized that the first step will be the collection of data and information, which will define realistic development goals through the recognition of potential, taking into account national and international strategic commitments.

The expected outcome of the implementation of the Strategic Plan, for the period to which it refers, should contribute to the development of local self-government, is one of the conclusions of the meeting.
Office of the President of the Municipality of Rožaje