A formal session of the Rožaje Community College was held

On the occasion of September 30, Rožaje Municipality Day, a formal session of the Municipal Assembly was held.
The session was opened by the president of the SO, Almir Avdić, pointing out the significance that September 30 has in the history of Rožaj.

"This date is deeply imprinted in the feelings of our citizens who have always been on the right side of history in their history. During the Second World War, the Rožaj area was under fascist occupation from May 1941 and belonged to the Italian occupation zone. This was the case until September 30, 1944, when Rožaje was finally liberated and victory was won with the brigades of the Muslim-partisan battalion. Shortly after the liberation of the Rožaje region and on the wings of working youth, enthusiasm, and above all hardworking and honorable people, Rožaje began an accelerated and dynamic economic, social and social development. Unfortunately, even after 76 years since the victory over fascism and retrograde ideas, we are witnessing that these scourges still live in our social reality, in our immediate environment and that as such they have the support of a part of the young population. Today, we must turn what were the results of the fight against fascism into a fight for the preservation of a society of equality, equal opportunities and the promotion of positive pro-European values. With pleasure we can emphasize the heritage that teaches us to preserve the environment of peace, tolerance and coexistence and thus build a more prosperous future for all our citizens", he stated Avdic in part of his address expressing regret that more people could not attend the session due to epidemiological measures.

The President of the Municipality, Rahman Husović, said that in the period between the two festive sessions, the local self-government invested intensively in the improvement of road, water and other infrastructure, and that, at the same time, the main energy of all local bodies and services was focused on the fight against the corona virus.
"In the conditions of the health and economic crisis, we managed to realize all the planned investments that, based on the needs of the citizens, we marked as priority. Due to the current crisis, the local budget was reduced by one million and 177,000 euros. Despite this fact, as you had the opportunity to see, we managed to invest 470,000 euros in the rehabilitation and modernization of the local road network, and by the end of the construction season, another 260,000 euros will be spent for this purpose. We have paid most of the back wages to employees in the local self-government, and by the end of this year, we will pay all 12 personal incomes. We have set ourselves the goal of managing common assets as a household and to create the best possible living conditions for citizens. On that path, and in this year, our strongest support was the Government of Montenegro. Almost 12,000,000 euros were invested in capital projects, only through the Public Works Administration. I would especially like to point out the fact that the construction of the cable car at the Hajla-Štedim site recently began, the total value of which exceeds 18 million euros. This project will open a new chapter in the development of this environment and place us among the attractive tourist destinations, which will condition other forms of economic progress. Thanks to the Government's support, very important projects in the field of traffic infrastructure are being implemented in Rožaje. Here I would single out the construction of the road to Štedim, then the bypass around Rožaje and the reconstruction of the Rožaje-Špiljani road, with a total value of around 44 million euros. In addition, the Public Works Administration allocated 300,000 euros this year for asphalting local roads. As you have had the opportunity to see, work is also being done to expand the capacity for educational purposes, and other facilities are being built for different types of business. When it comes to the long-term vision of the development of Rožaj, I would like to point out that we are actively working on the opening of the Business Zone and on the conversion of the Gornji Ibar land in order to create the conditions for domestic and foreign investments and therefore for the creation of new jobs, for which there are currently real chances. This fact is important, especially because of young people who are our important potential" said the president Husovic.
In the second part of the address, the President thanked all individuals and social entities who were on the front line of defense against the corona virus.
"The biggest burden during the pandemic was borne by doctors, medical staff and all the employees of the Health Center who were available 24 hours a day to every citizen, then members of the Municipal Police, the Security Department, the workers of the Municipal Enterprise and the Water Supply and the Local Public Broadcaster who was in the service of information citizens. I would also like to point out that the employees of the Protection and Rescue Service made a huge contribution in suppressing the further spread of the virus and played a key role in protecting the population from the fire element in May this year. It is necessary to mention that the volunteers of the Municipal Red Cross Organization and the Charity Society "Merhamet" continuously provided assistance to all citizens who are in a state of social need. It is also important to say that the diaspora provided enormous support by donating protective equipment and funds for numerous humanitarian actions and that it was with us in all important moments.", he said Husovic and sent hearty congratulations to all citizens on the occasion Municipal Days.

Award "30. September" this year was awarded posthumously Faruk Kalić, for special contribution in the field of journalism, Sulejman Beća Kujević for recognizable and rich cultural creativity and Directorate for Turkish Diaspora and Related Communities (YTB) - for a special contribution in the field of humanitarian work and student scholarships.

President of the Jury for awarding the award "30. September" Mubera Fetahović she presented the laureate's creative work.

Plaques and cash prizes were awarded to the best students of Rožaj schools last year.
Ermina Bibić – Secondary Vocational School, Nedim Kardović– Gymnasium "30. September" and Anisa Murić – Medresa "Mehmed Fatih", women's department in Rožaje.

The guests of the ceremonial session were the Deputy Prime Minister Rafet Husovic, MP Ervin Ibrahimovic, ministers Osman Nurković and Kemal Purišić, director of the Employment Office of Montenegro Suljo Mustafić, director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs Alija Kosuta, director of Monteputo Jonuz Mujevic, president of the board of directors of the Post of Montenegro Mirsad Džudžević and representatives of numerous local institutions and organizations.

Before the ceremonial session, a wreath was placed on the monument to the fallen fighters of NOR.