The municipality of Rožaje made a decision on working hours during the temporary measures

Based on Article 58 of the Law on Local Self-Government (Official Gazette of Montenegro 2/18 and 34/18) Order to take temporary measures to prevent introduction into the country, suppression and prevention of transmission of the new coronavirus (Official Gazette of Montenegro 15/2020) Action plan for protection against the corona virus from March 18, 2020, Article 77 and 81 of the Statute of the Municipality of Rožaje (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro 38/18), President of the Municipality of Rožaje,   brings:

O D L U K U 
Working hours during temporary measures

Article 1.

Authorities and services are ordered to introduce a special work regime, so that they ensure the performance of work within their jurisdiction in a way that, during the duration of the temporary measures, will ensure rotating duty of employees in the performance of work.

Article 2.

Direct work with parties is suspended, and all correspondence will be received exclusively via e-mail (, fax (051/270-431) and regular mail.

Work with parties in the civil office and the registry office will take place in such a way that when entering the party, they must follow the measures and rules from the order of the Ministry of Health and the Action Plan for protection against the corona virus brought by the Municipal Protection and Rescue Team of the Municipality of Rožaje.

Article 3.

The Communal Police Service and the Protection and Rescue Service will carry out tasks within their competence on a regular basis, with mandatory compliance with the measures and rules from the order of the Ministry of Health and the Action Plan for protection against the corona virus brought by the municipal team for protection and rescue of the municipality of Rožaje.

Article 4.

The heads of the organs and services of the municipality of Rožaje are obliged to determine the workplaces for which it is necessary to provide on-call duty as well as the employees who will perform these tasks, while taking into account the measures and rules from the order of the Ministry of Health and the Action Plan for protection against the corona virus, which is brought by the municipal team for the protection and rescue of the municipality of Rožaje.

Article 5.

This decision enters into force on the day of its adoption, and it will be published on the notice board and the official website of the municipality of Rožaje.

Rahman Husovic

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