Municipality of Rožaje: Agreement on employment partnership signed
The municipality of Rožaje participates in the implementation of the project entitled "Further development of local initiatives for employment in Montenegro", which is part of the Program of the European Union and the Government of Montenegro (Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare) for employment, education and social protection.

The goal of the project is to encourage the development of local initiatives in order to improve the labor market and increase employability. As announced, the program will start building the capacity of local actors for inclusion in partnerships to encourage employment and develop human resources at the local level.
On this occasion, at the session of the Working Group, made up of representatives of the local self-government, the Employment Office, the Secondary Vocational School and the sector of entrepreneurs, and in the presence of the project team leader Meri Lorenčić, an Agreement on Partnership for Employment of the Municipality of Rožaje was signed.

Amela Kovačević Kalender, manager for projects in the local self-government, said that during the working meeting, the needs in this area at the local level were determined, and the implementation activities that will follow in the coming period were presented. She added that it is a quality project that Rožaje needs.
The results of the project will, among other things, ensure carrying out an analysis of the functioning of the concept of local partnership for employment in Montenegro, including an assessment of the feasibility of co-financing mechanisms for the implementation of active labor market measures, an analysis of the regional and local market will be carried out, and local employment and human resources strategies will be developed with corresponding action plans.
The project will also develop active labor market measures adapted to the local market, which are aimed at creating greater employment opportunities for unemployed persons as well as those who are at risk of becoming unemployed.
The implementation of the Program, which lasts a total of 18 months, began in August 2019.