The municipal treasury is planned at over eight million

The budget of the Municipality of Rožaje for the next year is planned in the amount of 8,081,000 euros and is larger by about 200,000 than this year's, of which the operating budget is planned at slightly more than seven million and the investment budget at 1,026,000 euros.

This is foreseen by the draft decision on the budget for the next year, which was presented at the public hearing on December 10. The local administration expects the biggest income from transfers and grants, ie 3,900,000 euros from the Equalization Fund and 500,000 euros from the state budget. As for own revenues, they are planned at around 3.6 million, of which taxes make up almost 1.7 million, while an income of 750,000 euros is expected from forest concessions.
According to the draft budget for the next year, most funds will be spent on debt repayment from the previous period, 2,298,000, then on loan repayment in the amount of 826,000 euros. 1,454,260 will be used for salaries and contributions of employees, and for transfers to institutions, the non-governmental sector, individuals and the public sector, an amount of almost 1.5 million is planned, so cultural and sports institutions will receive about 1.1 million euros.

For the capital budget, an amount slightly above one million euros is planned, which is about 250,000 more than this year's. After the aid to agriculture was omitted from this document last year, in the draft budget for the following year, an item related to the incentive for the development of agricultural production in the amount of 100,000 euros was included again, while it is for solving technological redundancies in local administration, public companies and institutions which are financed from the planned municipal budget of 50,000 euros.