Repeated request for submission of bids for low value procurements

Based on Article 30 of the Law on Public Procurement ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 42/11, 57/14, 28/15 and 42/17) and the Rulebook on the content of acts and forms for the implementation of small value procurements ("Official Gazette of Montenegro ", No. ) , (customer) delivers
I Information about the customer
Client: Municipality of Rožaje | Person/s for providing information: Public Procurement Officer Mersudin Kalač |
Address: Ul. Maršala Tita bb. | Postal code: 84310 |
Seat: Rožaje | PIB 02023318 |
Phone: 051/271/275 | Fax: 051/271/275 |
Jersey email: | Website: |
II Subject of procurement:
- Services
III Description of the subject of procurement:
IV Estimated value of acquisition:
Estimated purchase value including VAT €10,000.00;
V Technical characteristics or specifications:
RB | Description of the subject of procurement, that is, part of the subject of procurement | Essential characteristics of the procurement item in terms of quality, performance and/or dimensions | Unit of measure | Quantity |
1 | ,,Development of the main revised project of fecal sewage for the settlement of Ćatovske livade in Rožaje, in accordance with project assignment no. 912 of July 18, 2019, and UTU conditions for the preparation of technical documentation No. 0402-115/1/19 of June 3, 2019. | The main project | com | 1 |
VI Payment method:
- Burmese
- Payment term 45 days from the day of delivery of the project.
VII Term for the completion of the main project 30 days from the date of signing the contract.
VIII Criterion for choosing the best offer:
□ lowest price offered | number of points | 100 |
IX letters for participation in the public procurement procedure:
Only bidders who:
1) is entered in the register with the authority responsible for the registration of business entities;
2) has properly fulfilled all obligations based on taxes and contributions in accordance with the law, that is, the regulations of the country in which it has its seat;
3) prove that he or his legal representative has not been convicted of any of the criminal offenses of organized crime with elements of corruption, money laundering and fraud;
4) has a permit, license, approval or other document for the performance of activities that are the subject of public procurement, if prescribed by a special law.
Fulfillment of the mandatory conditions is proven by submitting:
1) proof of registration with the authority responsible for the registration of business entities with data on the authorized persons of the bidder;
2) proof issued by the authority responsible for tax affairs that all obligations based on taxes and contributions have been properly reported, calculated and fulfilled up to 90 days before the day of public opening of bids, in accordance with the regulations of Montenegro, i.e. the regulations of the country where the bidder is headquartered;
3) proof of the competent authority issued on the basis of a criminal record, which must not be older than six months until the day of the public opening of bids;
4) proof of possession of a valid permit, license, approval, or other act issued by the competent authority, namely:
Designer's and contractor's license. |
X Deadline and method of submission of bids: Offers are submitted on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., ending with the day 27.09.2019 until 09:30 a.m.
Offers can be submitted:
¨ by direct delivery to the client's archive at the address: Ul. Maršala Tita bb.
¨ by registered mail with return receipt at the address Ul. Maršala Tita bb.
The public opening of bids, which can be attended by authorized representatives of bidders with attached power of attorney signed by an authorized person, will be held on September 27, 2019 at 10:00 a.m, in the premises of the Rožaje Municipality building at the address: Ul. Maršala Tita bb.
The offer is delivered in a suitable closed envelope (envelope, package, etc.) in such a way that when the offer is opened, it can be determined with certainty that it is being opened for the first time.
The offer envelope states: the offer, the number of the invitation to submit offers, the name and headquarters of the contracting authority, the name, headquarters, or name and address of the bidder and the text: "Do not open before the public opening of bids".
XI Deadline for notification of the outcome of the procedure:
- 5 days from the day of public opening
- Attachment:
- scanned project assignment no. 912 from 18.07.2019
- UTU conditions for the preparation of technical documentation No. 0402-115/1/19 dated June 3, 2019.
- Eligibility statement.
- Note: The Declaration form is an attachment to this Request for submission of offers for low-value procurements, as well as the Ordering Party's Declaration on the absence of conflict of interest.
- Other information:
- The offeror prepares and submits the offer in all respects according to the Request for the submission of the offer.
- The bidder can submit only one bid before the deadline for submitting bids and cannot change it.
- In its offer, the bidder expresses the price in euros, including VAT.
- The offered price is written in numbers.
- All costs and discounts must be included in the offer price.
- Bids received after the bid submission deadline will not be considered.
- Bids delivered by direct delivery or registered mail are delivered in the Montenegrin language, in a sealed envelope on which is written the text "offer - do not open before the date and time for closing bids", the name and number of the procurement, as well as the name, telephone number and address of the bidder.
- Bids are opened publicly, no later than one hour after the deadline for submitting bids.
- The opening of bids can be attended by the authorized representatives of the bidders, who for this purpose attach a power of attorney signed by the authorized person of the bidder.
- The public opening of bids will be held in the office of the Public Procurement Officer of the Municipality of Rožaje, street "M.tita" bb. Rozaje.
- The ordering party will provide each bidder with a copy of the notification on the outcome of the public procurement procedure in a verifiable manner (by fax, e-mail, etc.).
- It is not possible to appeal the notification of the outcome of the procedure.
- By publishing a notification about the outcome of the procedure, i.e. by delivering it in a demonstrable way, the client acquires the conditions for concluded procurement contracts.
- The client reserves the right to cancel the low-value procurement procedure, before or after the deadline for submitting bids without a separate written explanation.
Public Procurement Officer Authorized person of the ordering party
Mersudin Kalač, B.Ecc. Ejup Nurković, dil.ecc.
sr sr
Municipality of Rožaje
Number: 0101-2217-1
Rožaje 24.09.2019. years
In accordance with Article 16 paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Procurement ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 42/11, 57/14, 28/15 and 42/17)
I declare
that in the public procurement procedure from the amended Public Procurement Plan No. 0101-149/7 dated 19/09/2019 for the procurement of services - "development of the Main Revised Sewerage Project for the settlement of Čatovska Livada, I am not in a conflict of interest in the sense of Article 16 paragraph 4 of the Law on Public Procurement and that there is no economic or other personal interest that can compromise my objectivity and impartiality in this public procurement procedure.
President of the municipality: Ejup Nurković, B.Ecc
Public procurement officer: Mersudin Kalač, B.Ecc
Secretary of the Secretariat for Planning, Organized Space and Environmental Protection:
Rusmir Džudžević, Mast Dipl.Ing.Arch.
rb | item description | essential characteristics of the offered procurement item | unit of measure | quantity | unit price without VAT (€) | total amount without VAT (€) | VAT (€) | total amount including VAT (€) |
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
….. | ||||||||
Total without VAT | ||||||||
VAT | ||||||||
Total amount including VAT: |
Offer Terms:
The term of execution of the contract is | |
The place of performance of the contract is | |
Method and dynamics of delivery/execution | |
Method of implementing quality control | |
Date of Payment | |
Method of payment | |
Offer validity period |
Authorized person of the bidder
(name, surname and function)
Number: ________________
Place and date: _________________
Authorized person of the bidder/member of the joint bid, subcontractor/subcontractor
(name and surname and workplace), in accordance with Article 17 paragraph 3 of the Law on Public Procurement ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 42/11, 57/14, 28/15 and 42/17) gives
that he is not in a conflict of interest with the persons of the ordering party listed in the statements on the absence of conflict of interest on the ordering party's side, which are an integral part of the REQUEST FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS FOR SMALL PROCUREMENTS number ________________________ year for procurement (item description), in the sense of Article 17 paragraph 1 of the Law on Public Procurement and that there are no reasons for a conflict of interest on the part of this bidder, in the sense of Article 17 paragraph 2 of the same law.
Authorized person of the bidder
(name, surname and function)
Bidder's memorandum |
In accordance with the Provisions of the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 42/11, 57/14, 28/15 and 42/17) and Article 7 paragraph 6 of the Rulebook on the content of the act and forms for the implementation of small procurement values ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 49/17), we give the following; |
Under full moral, material and criminal responsibility, we declare that we fully meet the requirements of Article 65 of the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro. This statement is an integral part of the documentation of the public procurement subject, i.e. requests for submission of offers. Signature of an authorized person |
Date and place of signing |
[1]The signed statement can be found in the public procurement documentation of the contracting authority
[2] A statement on the absence of a conflict of interest for the bidder, submitter of a joint bid, subcontractor or subcontractor must be submitted separately for each member of the joint bid, for each subcontractor/subcontractor