Regarding the request of Hajran Ćatović, we inform you about the legalization of the illegal building

Regarding the request of Hajran Ćatović no. 0403-992 from 16.07.2018. year, for the legalization of an illegal object, we inform you of the following:
Considering your request number above, this authority determined that your request number above is incomplete, and that you are in accordance with Article 60 of the Law on Administrative Procedure (SI. list of the Republic of Montenegro 56/14, 20/15, 40/16 and 37/ 17), and in connection with Article 156 of the Law on Spatial Planning and Building Construction ("Official Gazette of Montenegro 64/17, 44/18, 63/18 and 82/20), you are obliged to submit to this Secretariat within 15 days noting the existence of the object in the cadastral records, i.e. an extract from the cadastral records.
If you do not submit the required documentation within the deadline, please note that the Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Rožaje will reject your request as irregular, in accordance with Article 60 of the Law on Administrative Procedure ("Official Gazette of Montenegro 56/14, 20/ 15, 40/16 and 37/17).