Invitation to non-governmental organizations to apply for participation in the XXII session of the Rožaje SO

Based on Article 153 of the Rules of Procedure of the Rožaje Municipality Assembly ("Official Gazette of Montenegro - Municipal Regulations" no. 38/18 and 16/21), it is published

non-governmental organizations for registering participation in the XXII session Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje

Non-governmental organizations based in Rožaje are invited to submit applications for participation in the work of the XXII session of the Rožaje Municipal Assembly, which is scheduled for July 15, 2021. year, (Thursday) starting at 11:00 a.m., in the large hall of the JU Center for Culture.

The provisions of Article 150 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the Municipality of Rožaje provide that a representative of a non-governmental organization can participate in the work of the Assembly session (the so-called "free chair" institute) if the non-governmental organization meets the following conditions:
        - that it has been registered for at least one year;
        - to have its seat on the territory of the municipality;
        - that in the previous year: implemented one or more projects in the municipality or participated in at least one public campaign in the municipality or implemented at least two one-off actions of importance for the municipality, or participated with specific proposals in at least three public discussions that were conducted in the municipality;
        - that the Statute has established activities and goals of action for the subject area i
        - that it has members who have experience and know the subject in question or has associates who have expert references on the subjects in question.

         A non-governmental organization that meets the requirements from paragraph 1 of this article has the right to propose, that is, to appoint a representative of the non-governmental organization that will participate in the work of the session.

         Along with the application for participation in the XXII session of the Assembly, in order to use the "free chair" institute, the non-governmental organization must submit to the Assembly Affairs Service:

       - application for participation in the work of the session, signed by a person who is authorized to represent or represent a non-governmental organization, with documentation based on which the fulfillment of the conditions from the previous article is determined;
      – Statute of a non-governmental organization;
      - Decision on founding a non-governmental organization;
      - a statement by the person authorized to represent or represent the non-governmental organization that there are no members of political parties or public officials in the governing body, in terms of regulations on preventing conflicts of interest.

       The application for participation in the session of the Assembly of non-governmental organizations is submitted to the President of the Assembly through the Civil Bureau of the Municipality of Rožaje, ul. Marshal Tito no. 1 or electronically to e-mail

        Non-governmental organizations submit their application for participation in the Assembly session to the President of the Assembly no later than 7 days before the Assembly session, with the obligation to specify the item on the agenda for which they are applying for participation in the Assembly session.


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