President Husović congratulated the New Year
The year we are saying goodbye to, despite numerous challenges, brought progress to Rožaja in many areas. From today's distance, I would say that we achieved visible results in the field of creating conditions for the realization of future investments and reached a high level of efficiency of local self-government.

The priority goal of the Municipality was to lay the foundations for the development of the real sector of production so that young people would have the chance to live and work in their native region. The future business zone and the location of the former Gornji Ibar factory open big doors for us towards the formation of production facilities and further development of the service industry, which will result in new employment. A dominant role in the process of revitalizing the local economy is played by the future ski center "Hajla-Štedim", whose construction we are patiently waiting for. We also actively worked on the improvement of the local road network, which conditions all types of development.
I want the year 2022 to be marked by an improvement in the standard of living through the final launch of investment momentum, which will lead to further affirmation of Rožaj's development potential. And in the period ahead, we will be persistent in achieving everything we have started. On this path, we expect the support of all people who wish Rožaje well and who know that only if we unite our forces can we achieve common goals.
On behalf of the Municipality of Rožaje and on my own behalf, to the citizens of Rožaje, Montenegro, to our diaspora, to everyone wherever they are, I wish above all good health, peace, harmony and progress in the New Year 2022.